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  2. Onboarding with HubGem

We have had onboarding before but need a refresher – what do we do?

Find out about our re-onboarding options

We often come across organisations who have implemented HubSpot in the past and are looking how to improve or get the most out of their HubSpot investment. Here at HubGem we offer a few services, which you can read about below:

Re-onboarding plans are popular for those who have either; been using HubSpot for more than a year, have had previous onboarding through HubSpot and want more sector specific support, have had onboarding with another provider and weren’t happy, their business has evolved or the organisation has new employees that they would like support with training. You can check out our Re-onboarding plans here.

We also offer Monthly Support plans which you can read more about here. In a nutshell, these are additional support months (at the end of onboarding) for organisations still wanting technical help or support with strategy.


Onboarding is what we call the implementation period with your new software. (New company using HubSpot or implementing a new hub).

Re-onboarding is for those who are already using HubSpot and is designed to help those who have previously completed Onboarding with another provider but need a refresher or more sector-specific guidance. 

Book a call here to discuss these options further

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